Prodcuts & Services

Nach unten


A lot of well known OEMs of medical technology, aerospace and engineering have trusted in us for many years and commission the Biersack company, in Beilngries, to produce their complete components or even whole machines. That’s why we were able to establish ourselves as a fixture in the market.

Precision as important indicator for assembly service

Our components are mostly very valuable and complex mechanical or mechatronical assemblies. We see precision as the most important factor. We want to form perfect components, parts and machines that you can use or process with without any problems.    

Our range of service in the field of assembly includes the following processes:

  • Welding
  • Screwing
  • Glueing
  • Installation of components and standards 
  • Adjusting
  • Special Aerospace processes such as riveting and NAFTO-Sealing
  • Testing and documentation
  • Special aerospace-processes like NAFTO-Sealing, Riveting, inspired by following AIPS:

               AIPS 01-02-016 (Installation of rivetless nutplates)
               AIPS 01-02-027 (Installation of blind rivet nuts)
               AIPS 08-03-002 (Permanent Marking with Ink)
               AIPS 01-02-017 (General Assembly and Installation of Fasteners)
               AIPS 01-01-004 (Installation of solid rivets)
               AIPS 01-02-008 (Tightening torques of screws , bolts & nuts)

Also 80T-standards like 80-T-40-3312 (applying mass termination) or testing of electrical conductivity

Of course we make every work step transparent and traceable for our customers.  A comprehensive documentation of our assembly work on components and devices is an absolute necessity in our operation.

Production sizes

Our range of service includes currently productions from low quantity and batch size 1 and average series up to 1.000 units.

The following list shows a small selection of our regularly production range in the field of assembly:

  • Mobile X-ray machines and monitor carts for surgery
  • Complete Cargo-Loading/ Freight-Loading-Systems for aircrafts
  • Modules for SMD pick and place machines
  • Woodturning lathes
  • Logistics distribution systems
  • Modules for electronic beam welding machines
  • Electromechanical modules for measuring technologies

The production of these, partly high-complex, structures for various OEMs is an enormous boost of confidence and solidifies the Biersack company’s high-quality work in Beilngries.  In our house you may expect precision in assembly and accurate functionality of your devices and components at every time.

We also would like to mention special assembly-tasks. Just get in contact with us and take the professional and individual advice of the Biersack team in Beilngries. We are already looking forward to your assembly order.